This week, the CDC actually issued a statement saying that
zombies weren’t real.
The declaration followed several instances of cannibalism
and face chewing (no joke).
This led to a conversation between my cousin and I where we
debated which family members we would want with us in case a zombie apocalypse actually
transpired – sadly, very few made the cut.
We both agreed we couldn’t have anyone that would spazz out,
slow us down or be too bossy. That pretty much wiped out our entire family. We
also nixed an aunt that we both believe wouldn’t realize the zombie apocalypse was
upon us until it was already over – but I digress.
I decided to take it a step further.
Thanks to ‘The Walking Dead’ – zombies are the “it” monster
right now (thankfully they’ve replaced those vapid ‘Twilight’ vampires).
I decided to build an ace zombie-fighting team out of pop
culture characters – and I urge you to do the same. It’s fun on a boring
Saturday afternoon when you’re stuck in the office.
The only rule is, no members of your team can have super
powers. Sorry ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ fans – it has to be regular people
with no “enhanced’ abilities.
Here’s my list:
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead): You have to go with the
obvious choice first. Daryl already knows how to kill zombies and he’s proven
himself invaluable to his group. He can hunt, scavage and wisecrack with the
best of them.
Eliot Spencer (Leverage): Eliot is a hitter that can take
out an entire room full of people without a gun or breaking a sweat. This would
be invaluable – since when you fire a gun you alert zombies to your presence.
Plus he can cook.
Spender Reid or Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds): This decision
depends on what kind of zombies we are dealing with. If they’re fast moving
zombies, I want Derek Morgan because of his athleticism. If it’s slow moving zombies,
give me Spencer Reid. He’d probably be able to figure out a cure. Of course,
the fast moving zombies would eat him first – so you can see my dilemma.
Ham Tyler (V): This is an oldie, I know, but Ham survived an
alien invasion where the visitors tried to pack everyone up in cocoons and eat
us – and he was the only one who wasn’t distracted by emotions in the process.
His cold detachment – but obvious loyalty – are traits you definitely want if
you’re fighting the undead.
Raylan Givens (Justified): Actually, I’d take both Raylan
and Boyd – but I don’t want to take more than one character from a show. Raylan
gets the edge – but only because Boyd tends to have his plans blow up in his
face occasionally.
Ellen Ripley (Alien): Ripley is calm in a crisis and brave
beyond belief. Plus, despite all she’s been through, she doesn’t take crap from
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games): Sure, she’s a little
obtuse when it comes to recognizing her worth – but Katniss is aces with a bow
(silent kills would be her specialty). A born survivor, Katniss is one of those
characters that you absolutely wouldn’t let stray too far from your field of
Sydney Bristow (Alias): Sure, Sydney lets her emotions get
the better of her sometimes – but she still always manages to be the hero.
Plus, Sydney has a “sacrifice herself for others” thing – that might come in
handy in a “you or her” situation.
Chuck Norris (any character): His fists should be registered
as a lethal weapon. He’s so strong, he can slam a revolving door. And, he’s so
bad, sharks watch Chuck Norris Week. Need I say more?
Alex Karev (Grey’s Anatomy): Let’s face it, you’re going to
need a doctor and Karev is the best choice because he’s cool in a crisis, nice
to look at and willing to make the hard decisions about who to leave behind and
who to save.
And, because no list is truly fun if you can’t rip on
people, here are the top five characters I absolutely would not want with me in
a zombie apocalypse:
Hannah Horvath (Girls): I find Hannah’s narcissistic
personality funny on the small screen, but in a big catastrophe? I’d shoot her
in the leg to leave as fodder for the zombies so I could get away. Hannah has
absolutely nothing to contribute in a zombie apocalypse but whining.
Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory): I wouldn’t even have
to shoot Sheldon in the leg to get him to stay behind. He’s so self-absorbed,
he wouldn’t realize the zombies were upon him until it was too late.
Shawn Spencer (Psych): I love his schtick – and his love of
horror movies – but Shawn’s act would get old pretty quick. Plus, without Gus,
I don’t think Shawn can acclimate to a new environment. It’s just not in his
Bella Swan (Twilight): We’re talking before she gets vamped
here, of course. I know I said no super powers, but Bella is so vapid and needy
that I couldn’t pass on another chance to bash one of the worst characters in
cinema and fiction. While everyone else is fighting zombies, Bella can lay
around whining about why Edward isn’t paying enough attention to her and how
important it is to have a boyfriend – even though the world is coming to an
Temperance Brennan (Bones): The last thing you need in a
zombie apocalypse is someone obsessed with figuring out how people die. When
you add to that the fact that she’s oblivious to the human condition and can’t
play well with others, Brennan would have to be left behind pretty quickly. The
good news is, she’d still be talking about how it’s impossible to reanimate
dead flesh as the zombies ate her.
What do you think? Who would you want with you in a zombie
apocalypse? Who would you shoot as a distraction?
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