It looks like the Scorpios are returning to Port Charles
with a bang this week – and I couldn’t be happier.
I’ve made no secret of my Scorpio family love – and the fact
that Tristan Rogers and onscreen daughter Kimberly McCullough are both set to
make their triumphant returns is the best news to hit Port Charles in recent

I was worried for a little while that Robert Scorpio wasn’t
going to return for the big Robin reveal. For those that don’t remember, Robert
discovered his daughter was alive months (and months) ago and was then injected
with a powerful drug that left him comatose before he could tell anyone.
If spoilers are to be believed (which is always a mixed bag)
Robert is set to wake up Friday (although we’re supposedly going to see Robin
on our screens before then). When Robert first wakes up – with both Mac and
Anna at his side – reports are saying he doesn’t remember seeing Robin. It’s
not long, though, before he announces to the rest of his family that he does indeed
remember the minutes before he was incapacitated – and his beloved Robin was
there with him.
That’s supposed to kick off an umbrella story that has Anna
and Robert searching for their daughter.
For her part, Robin has been shuffled from one mad person to
another. First Faison had her. Then Dr. Obrecht. Now Jerry Jacks. Apparently,
our hero Robin is the one keeping Jerry alive and working on a cure for his
That cure, not coincidentally, can also save Sean and Luke.
This past Friday, a hallucinating Luke though he saw Helena
Cassadine. I believe he’s also going to get a gander at Robin this week – but,
since he’s sick, not realize that she is actually alive. My guess is, when he
trades notes with Robert, they’re going to combine their considerable resources
to not only find Robert’s daughter – but a cure for Luke (and Sean) as well.
While all this is going on, Dr. Obrecht is set to kidnap her
“grandchild” and bring it to Robin to taunt her. Apparently Jerry has been
telling Robin little tidbits of the truth here and there – and when Ben is
brought to Robin she is going to believe it’s Patrick’s baby.
Most fans actually believe that baby is Lulu and Dante’s –
but that’s a whole other story.
The Ben kidnapping brings Britt and Nikolas into the story.
With Nikolas joining the fray, I’m betting we get a few more Cassadine tidbits.
One rumor has Stefan being resurrected, which I’m actually mixed on. I love
the character of Stefan, but the GH canvas is so bloated right now it’s
draining all the momentum out of the show. They need to be cutting some
characters, not adding them.
Back to Nikolas, though. Nikolas and Robin have a long
history together, so I would like him involved with her rescue.
While all this is going on, though, the one person that
doesn’t look to be involved in Robin’s rescue is Patrick. Now, don’t get me
wrong, I used to love Patrick – but I’m fairly irritated with him right now.
Apparently Patrick is going to be playing high school relationship with Sabrina
and Carrrrrrrrrlos (what’s with Sabrina’s sudden accent?) while the big Robin
rescue is transpiring.
Then, I have no doubt, that Robin will be reintroduced to
Patrick with as much drama as possible.
Personally, I can’t wait to see Robin
kick Sabrina in the head – but I know that’s a long way off
Here’s my question: If Anna knows that Robin is alive and
she goes off to find her daughter, why doesn’t she at least give Patrick a
heads up at what’s going on? I know she doesn’t want to get his hopes up if it’s
not true, but isn’t it worse to just spring Robin on Patrick and Emma? I’m not
advocating telling Emma, she’s a small child, but shouldn’t Patrick get a
chance to get his house in order before Robin is unveiled in what I’m sure will
be a very public way?
I have no doubt that Patrick and Robin are the love story
here (although, given the fact that Patrick has made me want to puke with
Sabrina for months, I’d like to see him squirm). However, if Robin’s return is
used as a further prop for Sabrina, I’m going to be a little ticked. They’ve
obviously introduced Carrrrrrrlos (his accent is just as annoying) as a love
interest for Sabrina when she quickly loses Patrick, but I would like to have
Patrick involved in the rescue of his wife. Is that too much to ask?
Oh, and while I’m making requests of the soap gods, can we
please get a slow motion reunion between Robin and Emma? I’m thinking a mirror
of when Robin was a little girl and ran to Anna’s arms in slow motion would be
best. Thanks in advance.
What do you think? Are you ready for Robin and Robert to be
unleashed on Port Charles?