This is where the fun begins – trust me.
I love ‘Star Wars’ and I love Angry Birds so when the two
were united this week – I was in heaven.
Angry Birds is one of those games that is ridiculously
addictive. You keep telling yourself "one more level" -- and then you find yourself playing until 3 a.m.
Whenever they come out with a new upgrade, I’m right there
playing it until I get all the levels to 100 percent.
Several months ago, Angry Birds branched out with a Space
edition that turned the genre on its ear and introduced fans to a new way to
play – one that defied gravity (or, more accurately, made you judge it).
Angry Birds Star Wars is actually a mixture of the original
and Space – and it has the graphics of Angry Rio thrown in for fun.
It is, without a doubt, addictive.

So far, I’m only on the Death Star level - -but I’m looking
forward to making my way through all the levels (at least until Tuesday when
Lord of the Rings Lego comes out).
For those who have never played Angry Birds, the game is
pretty simple. You have to take various different birds and fling them at
towers holding green little pigs that mock you when you don’t manage to clear
the level.
In Angry Birds Star Wars, those little pigs are wearing
Tusken Raider and Stormtrooper helmets (so far – I’m sure I’m in for a few more
surprises down the road).
The red main bird has a light saber option, the Obi-Wan bird
uses the force and the Han Solo bird (my favorite) yells “yahoo” whenever he is
flung and has a laser gun. It’s actually a great way to spice up a game that
had become a little too staid.
There are also bonus levels where you get to fling R2D2 and C3PO.
Also, like Angry Birds Space, some levels utilize the
gravity issues for planets – which is a nice changeup.
Angry Birds Star Wars is available for $2.99 on the iPad and
.99 on the iPhone.
If you like problem solving – and love ‘Star Wars’ – I urge
you to check it out.
What do you think? Is Angry Birds Star Wars a great idea?
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