Friday, October 19, 2012
In an interesting turn of events, the best reviewed show of
the year – ABC’s ‘Nasvhille’ – tumbled a steep 29 percent between the first
episode and the second episode.
That doesn’t bode well for the show.
Of course, it’s an off week for television – so I wouldn’t
call a postmortem on ‘Nasvillle’ just yet.
Besides the ongoing baseball playoffs, ‘American Horror
Story’ also returned to the air at that time.
I’ll be curious to see how the ratings settle after the
playoffs have finished, the election is over and Halloween has passed. I look for 'Nashville' to be moved to Sundays and paired with 'Revenge' before all is said and done.
We'll see, though.
All that being said, it was an only so-so episode of
Nashville this week – not even earning them an honorable mention in the top
entertainment moments of the week.
So what did make the list?
5. Gossip Girl – This show is limping to the finish line.
While some people seemed surprised that Serena’s boyfriend was actually the
father of Nate’s underage girlfriend – I saw that twist coming from a mile
away. I much preferred Blair reverting to form and embracing her baser
instincts when she felt her fashion line was threatened. Then, when she
realized she sabotaged herself, she sucked it up and moved forward the best way
she knew how: With hard work. I don’t understand why we didn’t see any follow
up with Rufus and Ivy. I’m also hopeful that Lily is playing Bart – because if
she’s not, the character has lost all rooting value. Oh, and Dan’s still a
schmuck. Now he’s just a schmuck with the worst haircut I’ve seen in years.
Eight episodes left.
4. Revolution – To absolutely no one’s surprise, Nate is
revealed to be Capt. Neville’s son. Since there are exactly three mixed race
people on the show – that wasn’t a stretch. Still, I was glad to see Kim Raver
and I was happy to see Charlie start to lose some of her pout at the end of the
episode. Charlie is the center of the show – and yet she’s the one holding it
back. You would think she’d be a survivor – given the way she’s grown up.
Instead, she’s a petulant whiner. I am invested in her relationship with Miles,
though, and I was glad to see that she and her brother at least got to see each
other (before Nipples Nate tossed her off the train). What this show
desperately needs is more Elizabeth Mitchell and less pouting.
2. Sons of Anarchy – I thought nothing could beat last week’s
guest cameo. I was wrong. This week, Jax manages to get the payback he so
desperately wants for Opie’s death. Of course, Jax couldn’t find a metal pipe
to reenact Opie’s death with the prison guard. So, instead, the enraged bike
kingpin grabs a snow globe. He methodically turns the dial of the snow globe.
Then, to the faint strains of ‘It’s a Small World” he proceeds to smash the
snow globe into the guard’s head. The scene was both ridiculously cool – and ridiculously
horrifying – at the same time.
1. The Walking Dead – AMC’s zombie thriller returned – and it
didn’t hold any punches. From the effective opening minutes of the show – where
not one word was spoken but fans could see the survivors struggle for survival –
to the bloody cleanup of the prison, to
the waning moments of the episode, where a defiant Rick hacks off Herschel’s leg
– without any pain medication – because he’s been bit by a walker, the episode
didn’t let up. I liked the juxtaposition of Rick and Lori’s crumbling marriage
and Glenn and Maggie’s tightening bond. I also enjoyed the flirtatious banter
between Daryl and Carol. It was a nice set-up for what looks to be a taut third
season. Even Carl wasn’t annoying this episode – and that’s the true mark of
growth for this show.
Honorable mentions go to:
Chelsea Lately – Chelsea Handler is an acquired taste. Not
everyone likes her humor. I happen to love it. To celebrate the talk show’s
move to a new studio, though, Sandra Bullock appeared (naked) in an opening
montage where she not only went nude but foul-mouthed as well as she informed
Chelsea she had to grow up and stop dating her guests. Not only is Bullock a
good sport, but Handler’s ability to poke fun at herself is what makes her so
Supernatural – Sam’s sudden desire to abandon Dean (who he
didn’t even bother to look for when he disappeared) rings ridiculously false.
Can we not shred the best relationship on television people?
American Horror Story – I wasn’t overly impressed with the
first episode back – but Jessica Lange is always good. Anyone else completely
freaked out by her over-the-top nun? Also, I know it's a commentary on insanity -- but isn't the alien abduction angle a bit too much?
The Big Bang Theory – Howard returns from space to a sick
Bernadette, a mom that’s sleeping with the dentist and a best friend that’s
found another “bro” to hang out with. The best part of the episode, though, was
clearly the girls vs. boys game night. Between Pictionary, wrestling,
long-division and the closing pie eating contest – the whole episode was a
Criminal Minds – The unsub was ho-hum, but I did have to
laugh when someone finally questioned Reid’s autistic leanings. What made the
scene even better was that Reid didn’t even notice when it happened.
What do you think? What were the top moments of the week?
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